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If you read this, it's quite likely that you tried to design a HTML-page. And you probably found out that HTML is a very clumsy thing: No macros, no include files and several other features lacking.

And what can you do after your page is ready? View it with a browser and test-click all links?

Pfuahahaha! Most browser are designed to handle as many errors as possible and display a readable page, but don't mention your errors! And link-testing is a very stupid task...

Of course, there exist several tools: You can use a C-preprocessor to define macros and include files, use WebLint as a syntax-checker, replace your special characters with recode and run a link-test-tool on your page.

So, after installing several Tools (and compilers and interpreters), you are ready to go... and can start five programs after a simple change to one of your pages.

(Note: People who use the C-Preprocessor are easy to identify by the stupid date format of __DATE__: Who else writes Feb 23 1995 on purpose?)

So hsc tries to summarize the functionality of all these tools in one program: it performs a (small) syntax check, tests your (local) links, replaces special characters by their entities and provides a very HTML-like way to define macros.

Additionally, it supports several features you probably won't find in some other tools, like absolute URIs and stripping useless white-spaces.

hsc simply acts like a preprocessor: You call it with a "extended" HTML-source (I call it hsc-source) containig special commands hsc interprets and produces a pure HTML-output as object file. The output file can be viewed with a W3-browser.

Thomas Aglassinger ( ), 15-May-1996